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Brain Games 3D: All Answers and Solutions to All Levels and Questions

Level 1: To make Bob happy, swipe to the right or left to spin the platform to find Happy Bob with no spikes under him.

Level 2: To drop all of the apples, tap all four of them, then spin the tree around and tap on the fifth one.

Level 3: How big is the universe? Nobody knows, so the answer is “I don’t know”.

Level 4: What’s wrong here? Spin the fruit basket around to find the red banana.

Level 5: Swipe down rapidly to get to the top, and then stop swiping when you can’t move upward anymore.

Level 6: To “Duck!”, swipe down on the duck’s head to lower its neck multiple time.

Level 7: To stop the TV on the right channel and watch Franks, tap the remote when the TV is showing Franks.

Level 8: Where’s my apple? Swipe sideways to spin the picnic blanket around to find the apple, then tap on it.

Level 9: To start a fire, tap the duck’s head over and over until it gets angry and shoots lasers out of its eyes. Then swipe to turn it until it’s facing the wood.

Level 10: To turn the pipes and water the duck, simply tap the pipes until they are connected to each other and to the faucet.

Level 11: To break the floor, swipe the words “break the floor” out of the way, to the left specifically, to let the sword fall on the floor.

Level 12: To “don’t hit the duck”. Tap on the duck itself, but not the word “duck”.

Level 13: To find the biggest Bob, merge all five of the Bobs together and then tap on the combined giant Bob.

Level 14: To find Bob behind the door, watch the door that he starts behind and follow it as it moves. Then tap it when it quits moving.

LeveL 15: How many donuts are there? Lift the box that’s sitting behind the tree to see all of the donuts. There are six total.

Level 16: To put everything where it belongs, put the duck in the bathroom and the poop in the toilet.

Level 17:

Level 18: To fix the reception, move the antenna with the yellow outline until the yellow outline goes away. Then do the same with the other antenna.

Level 19: To feed the black hole everything, move the black hole around so it can suck up everything on the screen, including the question.

Level 20: I am tall when I am young but I am short when I am old. what am I? A candle.

Level 21: To watch The Pitcher, tap the remote on the right channel to stop it.

Level 22: To tap on the right answer, tap on the “Lion” choice.

Level 23: What is the missing number? Move the outhouse out of the way with your finger to see it. It’s five.

Level 24: Find the biggest Bob by simply tapping on the actual largest Bob on the screen.

Level 25: To tap on the answer, tap Gorilla.

Level 26: Watch the pattern of channels, then tap on the remote when the right show comes on. They switch in the same order every time.

Level 27: To tap on the answer, tap on Curious Cat.

Level 28: To pick the fourth door, pick the actual fourth door, not the one that the sign labels fourth.

Level 29: To tap on the right answer, tap Bird.

Level 30: To help clean up, put all of the poops in the toilet until you beat the level.

Level 31: To count all of the Bobs, first look at the total inside of the building, then pay attention to how many enter and leave the building. There are 9 total Bobs.

Level 32: To open the green door, open the door that is actually green, not the one that is labeled green.

Level 33: To find the biggest Bob, swipe left on the screen until you find the big Bob, then tap him.

Level 34: To help Bob win the race, tap and swipe him to the right over and over to move him ahead faster until he crosses the finish line.

Level 35: To start a fire, tap the three pieces of wood to knock them down, then put the T-shaped piece of wood in between the three of them.

Level 36: To find all of the objects, look in the background for slight imperfections, then tap all five of them to reveal fruit.

Level 37: To tap the right answer, tap on the flower, not the flamingo.

Level 38: To unclog the white hole, tap it over and over until all of the objects fall out of the hole.

Level 39: To get the goat, grab the fence with your finger and put it around the goat.

Level 40: To tap on the right answer for this one, tap on the black swan.

Level 41: To feed the black hole everything, drag it around and feed it everything except the question.

Level 42: To find the right answer, tap on the word Lime.

Level 43: To give a high five, simply tap on the hand twice to give it a high five.

Level 44: To tap on the right answer, tap on the dog.

Level 45: To move the rings properly to the other side, tap the small ring to the middle duck, the big ring to the right duck, then tap the small ring again and move it to the right duck, on top of the big ring.

Level 46: What’s brown and sticky? The brown stick in the middle of the picture.

Level 47: To move the rings to the other side, tap the small and medium ones over to the middle duck, then the big one to the right duck, then the medium and small ones to the right duck.

Level 48: To tap on the answer, tap Giraffe.

Level 49: pick whatever color you want; this is an opinion poll.

Level 50: To feed the black hole everything, literally feed the black hole the word “everything”.

Level 51: Which fruit is the most radioactive? A banana – it actually is the most radioactive.

Level 52: To watch Game of Scones, tap and hold the red button when the TV is on the correct channel.

Level 53: Can I shave your head? Tap yes.

Level 54: Tap and hold the remote button when Game of Scones pops up.

Level 55: Where is Bob? Watch the door that he walks into and then tap it when it stops moving.

Level 56: Simply watch the door that Bob goes into, then follow it, but it moves fast so you have to be careful. Then tap it.

Level 57: What is the answer to the picture? It’s a chameleon, so tap on that answer.

Level 58: To organize the donuts by color, move the two green donuts to someone else’s nose. Make sure the green donuts are stacked on top of one another.

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Level 59: How can you make it fall? Tap on all of the trees to change the colors of their leaves.

Level 60: What kind of room has no doors and no windows? A mushroom!

Level 61: Simply watch the door that Bob goes into, then follow it, but it moves fast so you have to be careful. Then tap it.

Level 62: What is the farthest away from “us”? The donut is, because it’s farthest away from the actual word “us”.

Level 63: Prove you’re not a robot, what does this say? It says “I’m a robot”!.

Level 64: To get to the top, swipe down over and over at high speed until you make it all the way to the top, then let go.

Level 65: To fix the reception, move the antenna around until the picture in the TV comes in perfectly clearly.

Level 66: What invention allows you to see through walls? A window.

Level 67: To get the goat, grab the goat and stick it inside of the pen.

Level 68: Simply watch the door that Bob goes into, then follow it, but it moves fast so you have to be careful. Then tap it.

Level 69: I need to reconnect with nature! Where is the tree? Tap on the apple and it will sink down, making a tree grow. Tap on the tree once it pops up.

Level 70: To organize the donuts again, move the pink one on the right to the left, then move the chocolate ones onto one nose, and the pink ones onto the other nose. Once they are color-organized, you win.

Level 71: To start a fire, take the guy’s hat off to make the sun shine off of his bald head, then turn him toward the fire.

Level 72: Keep tapping the increasing letter grades in order to answer what grade you would give the game. Start with F+, then tap the others that appear.

Level 73: To get Bob the donut, tap on “This game is lame”, “the earth is flat”, and “the duck is not from earth” to increase the size of his nose enough to ring the donut.

Level 74: To break the floor, grab the sword and drop it below the question and let it hit the floor.

Level 75: To get to the top, swipe down over and over rapidly until you get all the way to the top of the picture.

Level 76: To find the remote, tap and drag to the left or right and hold your finger down to spin the screen. The remote is behind the tv. Then tap the remote.

Level 77: Where’s my grapes? They’re inside of the cardboard box!

Level 78: To get rid of Bob’s headache, turn him around and take the sword off of the back of his head.

Level 79: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck.

Level 80: To complete “don’t touch anything”, simply don’t touch anything for about 10 seconds.

Level 81: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck.

Level 82: To send Bob to the bathroom, turn the screen until you find the door, and he’ll walk into it.

Level 83: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck.

Level 84: To get a good grade, turn the stage and look at the ground for the yellow button. Then tap it to make the A appear.

Level 85: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck.

Level 86: How many donuts are there? Turn the stage to find the two hidden ones. There are a total of 8 donuts.

Level 87: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck.

Level 88: to count the hairs on his head, swipe up on his hair to remove it. Then swipe to the side until he’s turned around completely. Then count the hairs on the back of his head. There are six hairs total.

Level 89: to start a fire, swipe the saw back and forth. Once the tree falls down, then rub up and down on the log to split it into three and make a fire started.

Level 90: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck.

Level 91: To count how many Bob’s there are, pay attention to how many are in the building, then count how many enter in. There are two Bob’s total.

Level 92: to find the biggest Bob, feed Bob all of the food. Then swipe to the side to turn him around and find even more food to feed him. Then tap him when he’s huge.

Level 93: Which one is farthest away from us? Swipe up to zoom out until a doughnut with tears inside the sun. Then tap it.

Level 94: to find the eye, swipe to the side to turn the wall of J’s around. Then find the i in the center left portion of the J’s.

Level 95: There are five Bob’s, then two more Bob’s enter the building and one Bob leaves. 5+2 minus one equals six.

Level 96: to fix the reception, tilt one antenna until the picture is clear. Then tilt the other antenna until the picture stops jumping.

Level 97: To move the rings to the other side, move the three smallest rings to the middle duck, then the biggest ring to the duck on the other side. Then stack the three smaller rings on top of the biggest ring, biggest to smallest.

Level 98: to find the remote, pull on the handle that looks like a brown donut. Pull it four or five times and after all of the fruit finish falling the remote will finally fall down. Then press the button on the remote.

Level 99: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck.

Level 100: to get Bob to come out of the bathroom, scroll the screen to the left and you’ll find a tree with a sign next to it. Cut down the tree and knock it to the left, then scroll back to Bob.

Level 101: To organize the donuts, move the orange ones to the middle, then move the white ones on the right to the left, or vice versa. Move the orange ones to the empty side and move all the white ones to the same Bob.

Level 102: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck. Also keep in mind that you don’t have to use ALL of the pipes.

Level 103: To organize the donuts again, stack one color per Bob. Even when it seems like the stack will be too tall, it will work.

Level 104: How many donuts are there? Swipe down to see the button of the plate. It says “They’re bagels”. So there are no donuts.

Level 105: Fix the reception by adjusting the first antenna until the show is clear, then the second antenna until the show stops bouncing, then the third antenna until the show stops moving side to side.

Level 106: To organize the donuts again, stack the pinks on the left by moving all of the oranges and browns out of the way, then empty out one side of the browns and stack the oranges. Then stack the browns on the empty side.

Level 107: to get Bob out of here, swipe down until you are fully backed up out of the room.

Level 108: To grow an apple, move the cloud until it rains to the right of the tree. Then move it until it is over the tree. Then move it again until it is left of the tree and raining.

Level 109: To find the answer, swipe down to back to until you see the word “nothing”.

Level 110: To count the Bobs, you start with four, one enters and two leave, so you end up with three.

Level 111: To “find the remote”, pull the handle to change the color of everything until the remote button turns red, then press the remote.

Level 112: How many knives are on the table? 0, there is no table.

Level 113: To find X, simply tap the X that’s next to the triangle instead of one of the answers.

Level 114: You start with four Bobs, then three more enter than leave. You have 7 Bobs.

Level 115: Make the pipes connect to the faucet and to each other in order to water the duck. This one does use all of the pipes.

Level 116: To break the floor, swipe on the word Break until it falls out of the question and breaks the floor.

Level 117: To find the I, swipe to the side until the J turns and hide the tail, looking like an I.

Level 118: To solve 1+1=12, swipe on the 1 in the answer over and over until it disappears and makes 1+1=2.

Level 119: To make someone else give me a high five, put the words “high five” in the hand and someone else will give a high five.

Level 120: To click –> banana, tap the word banana in the question over and over until a banana falls down, then tap the fallen banana.

Level 121: To find the biggest Bob, swipe down to move the screen until you see the giant Bob at the top, then tap on him.

Level 122: Wat’s wrong? The spelling of “What” in the question, so tap Wat.

Level 123: How can you make IT fall? Tap on the word IT in the question to make it fall.

Level 124: How can you keep the hair on his head dry? Drag the hair above the raincloud and it will stay dry.

Level 125: Where is the duck hiding? Tap the word duck in the question to make the duck appear, then tap the duck.

Level 126: To put him to sleep, drag the sun off the screen to the right to turn day into night and make the duck fall asleep.

Level 127: To think outside the box, drag the word “THINK” outside of the thought bubble.

Level 128: To find the remote, zoom in or out on the duck over and over and over again to grow its neck and then bend its head down until it hits the remote with the beak.

Level 129: To find the smallest number, turn the whole stage sideways by swiping left and then tap any of the four numbers when they are at their most hidden.

Level 130: To THINK inside of the box, drag the word THINK into the box.

Level 131: what makes it rain? The answer is “white“, so tap the word what in the question.

Level 132: To feed the duck, swipe up on its head multiple times until its neck is long enough to get the donut.

Level 133: finding the remote is easy. To find the remote, just tap on one, or all four of the remotes.

Level 134: To beat Bob in a game of dice, swipe the colon from next to the word “me” and put it on your dice.

Level 135: to find all six apples, tap on the word banana and change the text. Tap over and over and when banana disappears, apple will appear there.

Level 136: to find all of the items, tap the transparent ones in the background, then swipe the screen over to the left to find the hidden transparent grapes.


Tuesday 12th of April 2022

(v%Co@L`) Hi! Do yоu wаnt to communicatе livе? Im hеrе – >>>


Sunday 10th of May 2020



Monday 3rd of February 2020

I can't see a solution to the Stop Bob one on here, where he is riding his scooter and the bananas drop. Just click on the bird so the banana hits him on the head x


Monday 27th of January 2020

cant figure out level 170. the one where you’re going to find all 6 apples


Monday 20th of January 2020

I cant figure out level 134