Fast & Furious Legacy – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategy Guide

Fast & Furious Legacy is a new iOS and Android racing game by Kabam, the sequel to their previous licenced title Fast Fast & Furious 6: The Game. This new addition to the series features many odes to the movie series, as well as the whole family from the anthology and many different types of racing. You can drift, drag race, race through traffic, and more, while collecting coins and gold and building up the size of your garage and the speed of its contents. Read on for some tips and tricks for Fast & Furious Legacy!

No matter which type of race you engage in, the launch will have a huge effect on your overall race. Make sure to set yourself up for success by starting with the best launch that you possibly can. Before the countdown ends, move the needle into the optimal rev range, and then as soon as the “1” disappears from the countdown screen, hit the launch button to take off. Blowing the launch will cause you to have to play catch-up early on.

When racing through traffic, drive dangerously, but not too much so. Get behind cars so that you can draft them, then pull around them into the next lane over, preferably a lane that has another car so that you can do it all over again immediately. Pull two lanes over to pass cops because they tend to like to shoot out into the next lane and foil your passes.

Upgrade car parts one at a time – for example, first upgrade engine, then tires, then NOS, etc, so that you spend the fewest upgrade parts and coins at a time. If you need more upgrade parts, race over and over again. Doesn’t matter where because you usually get upgrade parts even if you lose the race. If you are winning races, though, save the money even if you have it, so that you have leftover coins for a new car later on.

Or, purchase customizations and decorations for your car. They don’t require any upgrade parts, and the more that you customize and decorate your car, the more bonus coins that you’ll earn after winning a race. They cost a little bit up front, but give it a few races and you’ll see the extra income taking effect, and get a chance to build up your upgrade parts as well.

If you get sick of the chapter races, hit the challenge races and the ranked races in order to score not only extra cash and gold, but extra car parts as well. If you’re good enough you might even be able to score up a free car. Also, be sure to check out any limited time events the developers push out, as they are often the best source of prizes.