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Guide to NFL Matchups for iOS: Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

NFL Matchups is the latest in a long string of NFL-related card battling games for the iOS, and possibly the best one yet. This one puts you in charge of a team of your own, and even though your team is not a real team, you can pick out a favorite team (an NFL team) as well as real life players to add to your team. You start off with weak players but the further you get in the game, the better the caliber of players you end up getting. Read on for some tips and tricks for NFL Matchups!

The game tells you that you can evolve most cards that you get, but the truth is, most of the cards that you get can’t evolve. To figure out which ones can evolve, look at the bottom right corner of the card where it shows one football. If there’s an embossed space that looks like a football shape next to it, it can evolve if you get an identical card. Usually it’s 2-star and above cards that can evolve.

Whenever you get a bunch of new player cards, especially those which contain 2 or more stars that you earn from silver or gold contracts, go to your formations and auto set the cards. You have three different formations each for offense and defense, though, and the stats will be higher for one formation depending on which cards are the best, and the best formation will change each time you get new cards, so check the stats bonus with all three of the formations each time that you reset them.

Your best source of evolvable cards are the two star cards that you can earn as bonuses from each of the different stages that you play, and these are one of the fastest ways to rapidly strengthen your team. Get two of each two star card that you earn against every team, evolve them together and then add them to your team.

Use the other ones that you get, and other duplicate rare cards, as trade bait to trade with other players for other rare cards. In addition, make good package deals by saving up other bonuses that you earn, such as card vouchers and trade tickets, or players who have been powered up to their max levels, and you can very easily end up with a hugely powerful team just by smart trading.