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Love Live! School Idol Festival – Tips and Cheats: The Ultimate Strategy Guide

Love Live! School Idol Festival is a new music game for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to put a band together, play songs to the best and most accurate of your ability a la Guitar Hero, and unlock each of your characters’ backstories, while progressing through the main story of the game as well. Read on for some tips and tricks for Love Live! School Idol Festival!

Each of your characters has three main statistics: pure, cool, and smile. Each song that you play will be one of these three attributes. The band members who match the element of the song will earn a points bonus. Try to keep many backup band members around whose strengths are in each of these three attributes, so that you can modify your band on the fly to match the song.

When playing the game itself, it’s best to have the sound on, because with the sound off it becomes extremely difficult. When the sound is on, don’t pay too much attention to the exact position of the circle. Instead, aim your taps so that you can tap (and release) with the beat of the song, and you will get a perfect every time if you do it correctly.

If you have experience playing games like Guitar Hero or Dance Dance Revolution, it will be very easy to get the rhythm thing; however, if not, then you will probably have some trouble with it unless you are naturally musically inclined. If this is the case, then stick to the easy songs for awhile before moving up to the normal and hard mode versions of the songs, as those can get very dicey.

If you have a glut of band members and you need to improve your main (and rarest) ones, use the practice mode to get both of these things done simultaneously. If you have multiples of the same band member, you can use special practice mode to merge them together, give them an instant stat boost, and change the appearance of the merged character.

The best part of the special practice is that due to the character level being down to level one, practice will cause your character to go back to level one, as stated above. That means that the next practice will be just as effective as the first practice was, making for a huge statistical boost.