Make It Rain: The Love of Money – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Make It Rain: The Love of Money is a bizarrely addicting new game for iOS and Android. Your goal is to make it rain money – seriously, you swipe up as if you were in a strip club with bands, sliding money off the top of the pile. By making it rain you make money, which you can then use to buy investments which make you even more money. Read on for some tips and tricks for Make It Rain: The Love of Money!

-Swipe with two fingers alternating so that you can swipe as fast as you can. You can’t swipe too fast or the money will come halfway off and then go back onto the pile, so swipe as fast as you possibly can, to a rhythm.
-Put the phone down so that you can swipe with your index or middle fingers rather than your thumb, which allows you to swipe harder and thus more accurately.

-If your phone keeps sliding around when you do this, then turn it upside down and swipe toward you, while using a different part of your body to anchor the phone.
-Buy the business investments first, because they will increase your dollar multipliers, and will be your fastest method of earning more cash.

-Buying financial investments will allow you to put the phone down for awhile and still earn money, because they will collect cash every second while the game is open on your screen.
-To make this work indefinitely, turn off your phone or tablet’s auto-sleep in the settings.

-Buying the political investments will allow you to collect cash in a bucket while the game is offline. Load up on these so you can earn as much money as possible while you aren’t playing.
-To speed up your bucket earnings, set the time ahead on your phone or tablet – an hour or so should be good. Then go back to the game, collect from the bucket, then go back to the date and time settings and put the time back to normal. Do this over and over again as many times as you want.

-As you swipe, sometimes a gold buck will appear, which gives you a huge amount of cash. There’s nothing special that you do to make this appear – it just happens randomly.
-Take advantage of the freebies in the far right store icon. These will make the earnings come in faster by multiples.

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