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PlunderNauts – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide, page 2

Try to wait for as long as possible before you spend your antimatter. Never spend your antimatter on speeding up anything. Either wait it out, or use the time lapse cheat to speed it up for free. Also, we have for as long as possible to buy a new ship. The ships generally are not that expensive, but the longer you wait, the better ship you will be able to buy.

Completing bounties is your number one way of earning more antimatter. Complete the bounties as quickly as possible in order to load up, so that you can spend your antimatter on better ships before you even have a chance to get stuck on the stage.

Once you get a new ship, take all of your equipment off of the old ship. Put the best stuff onto your Newship instead. Take the leftovers and put them into the forge machine to see what you end up with. Or, sell the leftovers to earn more gold so that you can buy new wares and better equipment.

When you enter a battle, it’s generally best to send out your fighters right away for a quick advantage. You can only send your fighters out once per battle, and they will fight until they die, so it’s best to send them out as early as possible, especially when the enemy ships are sending fighters out as well. If you have fighters on your tail but you haven’t sent any of your own out, you will be a huge disadvantage.

You can knock out enemy fighters my shooting at them just as he would shoot at enemies starship though. If arrival starship sends out fighters, going to run, circle around so that you can get them in your site, and shoot them all down before you go after the main enemy starship.

Watch out for astroids, because they will do heavy damage to your ship and you can’t shoot them to blow them up, so your only recourse is to fly around them. However, if you ram into an enemy ship or an enemy ship rams into you, you will both do damage to each other. This can actually work to your advantage if you have significantly more health or a really really strong ship.

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