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Soccer Showdown 2015 – Tips and Cheats: The Strategy Guide

Soccer Showdown 2015 is a new arcade style goal-scoring competition for the iPhone and iPad. Your goal is to score more goals than your opponent, block their goals, and beat not only your friends but the rest of the teams in the league that you are competing in. Read on for some tips and tricks for Soccer Showdown 2015!

There are a number of different types of shots that you can kick. Against the computer, try to mix them up. Chip shots are the slower bouncy shots, and these can be extremely effective when timed right. Mix the chip shots with the hard shots. Try to get the ball to curve in the opposite direction that the opposing goalie gloves are moving in – this will usually make it easier to score a goal.

Against other players, curve the ball as much as possible and kick as hard of a goal as possible. The harder that you kick it, the harder it will be for other players to block against it. Curve it as far in one direction or the other as possible, and if you notice the other player moving around, try to read their pattern and kick it in the opposite direction that they are moving in. Mix up your kicking direction.

Gold can buy you ball power ups. Your only method of getting free gold is simply to play as much as possible and to win as much as possible, so grind for gold to purchase power ups for your ball to make you nearly unstoppable.

There are two different types of upgrades that you can buy. The upgrade for your ball increases the power and the speed of your kicks. The upgrade for your gloves increases their size and their reach range (which is basically the same thing, I guess, but it really helps).

Choose your teams wisely. See that little green bar above one particular team’s soccer ball? That shows you how biased towards either attack or defense that team is. The farther to the left that bar is, the better they are on offense and the worse they are on defense. The farther to the right that the bar is, the better that they are on defense but the worse that they are on offense.

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