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Star Wars: Commander – Top 25 Tips, Hacks, Cheats and Strategies, Page 2

20) Crank up your Alloy and Credit buildings.
You have two types of buildings for each one. The Alloy Refineries and the Credit Markets will earn alloy and credits over time. When you collect from each one of them, the resource in question will go to either the Credit Depot or the Alloy Vault. Always max out the number of, and level of, your alloy and credit buildings so that you can earn as much as you want, so that you earn it faster, and so that you can make any expensive upgrade that you might need.

19) Max out the number of your walls, and level them up as high as possible.
Don’t skimp out on the walls. You’ve seen how stupid your own troops can be – they always attack walls even when there’s an actual hole to get through to a better target. Screw up enemy troops all day long by building the maximum number of walls and placing the important buildings inside of them, making it more difficult for them to be attacked by enemy troops and giving your turrets more time to do their thing.

18) Make smart wall placements.
Don’t just place them in stupid areas or use them for decoration. Walls must be used with a purpose. They must completely surround a building. Any holes will make the walls nearly useless, unless eventually booby traps are added to the game like in Clash of Clans. Expect LucasArts to fix the AI soon so that troops exploit holes in the walls better, as well. Don’t leave any holes. Surround the important buildings.

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17) Know what your most important buildings are.
Not all buildings are created equal. Your most important one is your headquarters, by far, because your HQ gives one star to whoever knocks it out. This should be your most fortified unless you are actively trying to drop battle points. Your credit and alloy buildings are also important because when they get attacked, they give up the most resources. Your other buildings are not as important as these.

16) Max out the number and level of ALL of your turrets.
Your turrets are the second most important piece of the defensive puzzle, and without turrets, your walls are effectively useless for stopping enemies. The more that you level them up, the faster that you’ll kill anyone who tries to attack you. It’s really that simple. Level them up and watch the enemy losses pile up every time that they try to attack you.

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