Tap Titans: How to get more artifacts and relics

Tap Titans is Game Hive’s RPG style take on the Cookie Clicker style concept, where all that you do is tap to earn. In this case, there’s a whole lot to do and a whole lot to upgrade, and one of these things is the artifacts, which, beginning at level 80, you can open up. Relics, of course, let you get the artifacts. Read on to find out how to get more of both of these things!

As stated above, the first artifact can be had beginning at level 80. If you don’t like the artifact that you get at that point, you can break it down for a relic. It will cost diamonds in order to break it down, though, but depending on whether or not you got a bad artifact, it can be worth it if the next artifact is a good one.

From there, subsequent levels beaten will enable you to earn one or more relics when you beat them. The level number that will give you the relic is fairly random. You won’t know which level boss will give you or won’t give you a relic; you just have to keep trying and beating bosses.

Another way to get them is to unlock Prestige. First, you have to upgrade your own warrior up to level 600. Once you do that, Prestige will appear in the abilities menu. Once you unlock Prestige you will restart the game, but you will still have the ability to get relics and artifacts. That means after you Prestige, ALL of your levels beaten will have the potential to give you some more relics.

You can prestige more than once, too. You can do this again any time that you upgrade your warrior taps to level 600. Note that you will also keep your diamonds every time that you do this, so when leading up to it, save up your diamonds by any means possible.

Once you get prestige, you will get a relic bonus for the amount of levels that you have beaten, the number of team members that you have, and then you will get an extra bonus if you have managed to unlock every single team member possible in the game.

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