Ulala: Idle Adventure is one of the most popular idle RPGs in the history of the iOS and Android platform, and for good reason. You can improve your weapons and armor in many ways, with one of these ways being enchanting, but in order to enchant, you need to make it through the Mystic Realm.
The Mystic Realm puts you up against an assortment of bosses, without having to deal with enemies or minibosses, and while it can be a tough challenge, it can be far worth it in order to get the best enchanting books possible.
Read on for some tips and tricks for the Mystic Realm in Ulala: Idle Adventure!
The main thing to know about the Mystic Realm is that it is a multi-stage fight on various continents, and when you engage in a match, you’ll take on the bosses that were on that continent in the standard game. So know the elemental advantages and disadvantages before you go into a Mystic Realm fight, so that you can equip the right pets for the battles.
You’ll engage in one battle, then the next, then the next, on the road up to the treasure chest. Even when you aren’t quite at the chest yet, if you see a number next to the chest, tap it and you will be able to open it and receive some gifts. The Mystic Realm will give you Enchantment Books, which allow you to enchant a piece of equipment that’s hit a max level.
Go to the equipment screen, enchant (and enhance, if you’ve been waiting on the enchantment books for awhile) all of the equipment that you can, then go back to the Mystic Realm and continue fighting the battle. The equipment slot’s boost can make or break the outcome of one of the Mystic Realm battles.
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You need to be on a team to go to the Mystic Realm. When victories are scored, everyone gets the same prize, so your entire team gets stronger – assuming that your team comes online enough to enchant and upgrade their equipment regularly.
One common problem that happens is getting stuck in the Mystic Realm because someone left the team mid-play. This shows up as a notification that someone gave up part of the way through, and it can completely stop you from making progress. However, there are a few ways to fix it.
One way is to leave your team and join up with another team. While this isn’t an option for everyone and you might not even want to leave your team, use this anyways if you have been looking for an excuse to leave your team to join a stronger one.
Another way to fix this is to try to start a battle, then immediately hit the escape button, which pops up in the bottom left corner of the screen. Hitting this button will reset your entire battle party, allowing you to start the Mystic Realm over from the very beginning.
If you want to play the Mystic Realm all day, more times than the game typically allows you to, then play through it as far as you can with one team until you use up all of their attempts for the day. Then leave the team, join another team, and do the same thing. Then leave that team, join another team, then do the same thing. Do this over and over again until all of your equipment is fully enchanted.
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