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Ultimate Robot Fighting: Tips, Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Guide

Ultimate Robot Fighting is a brand new fighting game before the iOS and Android platforms. Your mission is to work through multiple tiers of robot fighters, and despite being the only human in the competition you stillhave to build a collection of battle robots, put teams of three against your rivals’ teams of three, and fight for victory. Read on for some tips and tricks for Ultimate Robot Fighting!

Each robot has a certain amount of energy, and once that energy runs out you won’t be able to use them in battle again until they get their energy back. If you want to restore their energy right away, however, then set the time forward in your phone or tablet by an hour or two and all of their energy will be restored.

After you do that you can then go back to the game to verify that the energy is there. Once you do so, go back to the date and time settings and set the time back to normal. Now when you go back to the game your robots’ energy will be completely restored. You can do this trick as many times as you want, or if you don’t want to mess with the time, just carry a large collection of robots so that you can do as much fighting as possible.

Gold is the premium currency of the game and is very useful for upgrading your robot’s statistics and fighting power. To get more gold for free, go to the in app purchase store and there will be a menu for free gold. You can earn it as a reward for completing offers, liking and following the game on Facebook and Twitter, giving the game a rating in the app store, or watching advertisement videos. While it’s not much gold initially, it adds up over time.

Follow a simple pattern in order to win most of your battles. Start off on defense, blocking your opponents’ attacks, then wait for an opening and let them have it with your attacks. The strong combo tends to be much more effective and easier to pull off than the weak combo. And be sure to use your special attack as often as possible.

Spend your match points to upgrade your special attack separately. When it is highly upgraded, sometimes you can get a one hit knock out just by using your special attack, provided that you tap or swipe enough to get a 100% rating with it. Be sure to defend properly against the special attacks that rival robots use by swiping or tapping your defense up to 100% as well before you get hit.

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