Candy Crush Friends Saga is the fourth installment in the Candy Crush series by King, with the combination of familiar gameplay and new features that are to be expected from a Candy Crush sequel. Your goal is to rescue the “friends” from being trapped inside of blocks, slime, or other obstacles. As usual, you can earn coins and try to avoid using all of your energy too. Read on for some tips and tricks for Candy Crush Friends Saga!
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As usual, you have your special tiles that you can make using 4 in a row, 5 in a row, 2×2, and 5 tiles in a T or + or L-shape. Some new shapes have been added, too, including one which is more powerful than the rainbow candy. Match six or more candies in a T-shape (for example, five across and two or three down) to get a plastic-wrapped candy which, when combined with a color, will turn loads of random candies on a level into that color. This typically is followed by a massive amount of auto-combos.
The levels tend to be even more skewed toward “combine two special candies, win easily” than the previous games. Combine two tiles to combine their effects (combining two line candies will clear two lines, for example). Some, such as combining a bomb and a line candy, have a far more powerful effect than the sum of their parts. Combine a new plastic-wrap candy and another candy to turn loads of random candies into that color special candy, which can make it easy to bomb out the whole level and win.
One new feature that this game has compared to the other Candy Crush games is the use of new characters. There’s a number of new boosts that can only be had by equipping a specific character. At the beginning of a level, you’ll get asked to pick a character out of a choice of two or three, and with said character will come a boost to help you through the level.
One area where Candy Crush has not changed, though, is with asking other players for lives. Knowing who to ask is easy, because everyone has friends or family who has or had, at one point, played a Candy Crush game, so ask them first to start. Then move on to folks who you know that like mobile games or match-three games.
Or, if you want to get all of your lives back right away, set the time ahead on your phone or tablet that you play the game on. You can only do this if you haven’t connected the game to Facebook. You can also play the same account on either Facebook or mobile devices and continue the same progress, but get a new set of lives with each platform.
Tuesday 12th of April 2022
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