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Goddess of Genesis S: List of Gift Codes and How to Find More of Them

Goddess of Genesis S is a new mobile RPG for the iOS and Android platforms featuring creatures from the classic fairytales such as Little Red Riding Hood, Lucifer, Gabriel, and others, all put together into one huge world. You can build up a super rare team loaded with SSR’s and higher, fight against computer opponents and against other players, and engage in all sorts of limited events.

There are a ton of rewards to collect all throughout the game from missions, quests, and other play modes, but the developers are often generous with free rewards, which are given out using gift codes.

Read on for a list of gift codes, how to find more of them, and how to use them in Goddess of Genesis S!

First thing’s first, and that is that you need to know how to redeem these codes. To do so, tap on the player avatar in the top left corner of the screen. Once you are there, tap on the button that says “gift codes” to enter a code or paste it in.

Once you do that, tap on OK and you’ll get your rewards. You can do this with as many gift codes as you want.

Your starting point when it comes to looking for gift codes should be on the official social media pages of the game or for than developer. Very often, codes get released there before they get released anywhere else, especially for subscriber contests. Be sure to look up and down their feed.

The Subreddit for the game is another great source for codes. This is where players tend to go to discuss the game, and when players find codes, they often like to share them. If you have codes that you don’t see posted there, then be sure to be a good citizen and share them there first.

Discord chat is another one of the top sources for codes. If you see the invite anywhere, take it, then use the search bar at the top of the app to search for any chat room message containing codes. You should also share codes that you don’t see here if you have them.

One of the more underrated sources for codes is the App Store where you downloaded the game. Most likely, this will be either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Go to the review page, look at all of them, and see if any have been posted that contain gift codes.

Another great source is on streaming or video sharing sites. Twitch, YouTube, and even Facebook live are great sources for new codes. Developers love to give codes to streamers and content makers in order to take advantage of their built-in audiences to promote the game.

For the NA/global version of the game we have:




For the SEA/Southeast Asia version we have: