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Amateur Surgeon 4 – All Patients Guide and Walkthrough (Levels 19-24)

19: Dick Masterson – Cut out and remove the diamond. Staple, cauterize and heal the cut with ointment then make the incision on the dotted line. Cut in and chainsaw the weak bone out and place the new one in. Secure it with the lighter and ointment. Pull the shard out then use staples, lighter and ointment to heal the cut. When you back it out, make another incision. Replace the bone fragment as before. Close the incision. Make a third one. Chainsaw the old bone out. Pull out the two objects and the old bone and then vacuum up the blood. Staple the cuts. Then use the lighter to weld the bone in and cauterize the cuts. Apply ointment to the bone and cuts. Close the incision.

20: Miss Distress – Cut in and then cut an incision, stick the pin in using the tongs, cauterize it with the lighter and apply ointment. repeat twice. When back at skin level close the incision then cut in again. Do the pin thing again four times, then you will be back at skin level. Close the incision.

21: Scarlett Throbbing – deal with the outside cuts then make an incision. Use the chainsaw to hit the crab. Four hours kills it. Pull out any shrapnel that it leaves behind. Deal with the inside cuts then make another incision. Kill the two crabs with the car battery and deal with the cuts and the incision and you’re done.

22: Uncle Chuckles – use the chainsaw to remove his nose. Pull it out with the tongs and put the new nose in. Secure it with a lighter and the ointment. Make an incision. Zap the bird three times on three separate flyovers with the car battery. Vacuum up the feathers and use the red syringe to clean up any green goo. Make another incision. Pull out the coin and the furry friend, clean up the blood with the vacuum, then staple, cauterize and heal the wounds. Do the same to the incision.

23: Shame-Rock – staple the big cuts and cauterize and heal all cuts. Make an incision. Chainsaw the bone out. Take the tongs and pull out the bone shards from the cuts as well as the old bone. Vacuum up all of the blood and staple the big cuts. Use the lighter to secure the bone and cauterize the cuts. Use the ointment to heal the bone and cuts. Close the first incision. Make a second incision and do the same exact thing as with the first incision. Close the second incision and you will be done.

24: Mystery Patient – Use the green syringe then make an incision. Suck out the green goo with the red syringe. Staple the big cut and cauterize and heal all of them. Close the first incision and use the green syringe then make the second one. When the light flashes, the bee will fly over in a second. Zap the bee three times with the car battery. Zap it on the far side of its slight path (if it comes from the left, aim to get it on the right side of the light and vice versa). Pull the dead bee out with the tongs, as well as the coin in the big cut. Vacuum the blood, staple the big cut, then cauterize all of the small cuts and heal them with ointment. Close the incision. This must all be done very quickly.

Previous: Levels 13-18
Next: Levels 25-30