Pixelmon War, also known as Pixel Tamers, is a fan-made Pokémon game for the iOS and Android platforms that is the second iteration of the popular Pixel Tamers. This idle RPG has you collecting Pokémon, coins, gems, and even more as you make your way through the various regions and battles in the game
Pack Redeem Codes are a way to get free stuff throughout the game, whether it be Pokémon, equipment, gems, or coins. Often the rewards are given out as a promotional item by the developers, or via content creators in order to help them promote their games.
Read on for a list of Pack Redeem Codes and tips on how to find more of them for Pixelmon War!
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First off, it helps to know how to get to the area where you type in Pack Redeem Codes. To get there, your first step is to click or tap on your avatar, in the upper left corner of the screen.
Once you do that, your player menu will pop up. From there, tap on the button that says “Pack Redeem”, and you’ll get a prompt to put your code in. Then from there, put in your code and you will be good to go.
If you were a part of the prelaunch, you should have received your own personalized CDKey, or Pack Redeem Code, in whatever email you put in.
One of the best sources for Pack Redeem Codes within the game is going to be the game’s social media itself. Look for official social media accounts for either Pixel Tamers or Pixelmon War. Being that it’s still called Pixel Tamers on the Android and used to be Pixel Tamers on iOS, you’re most likely to find them under that name still.
Check for subreddits for both Pixel Tamers and Pixelmon War. When players find new Pack Redeem codes, this is often the first set of places that they post them to. Even if the codes are not stickied at the top, you can still search in the in-group search for Dark Redeem Codes as a shortcut to finding them.
Look for a Discord that is related to the game as well, under all of its titles. There should be one under Pixel Tamer, which is the original name of the game, and if there is not, then check under Pixelmon War. Use the search function here to search for Pack Redeem Codes, and other similar searches such as Promo Codes or Gift Codes.
Another good source, of course, is the comment section of this very post. New players will often post in the comment section when they find and test new codes, so go here and check below in the comments and see if someone has posted a new code. If you find a new code, you can post it as well.
Right now, there are no known universal codes or CDKeys for Pixelmon War or Pixel Tamers other than the ones that were given out during pre-registration or limited-edition ones that come out during special events. Bookmark this page and be sure to keep checking back so that you can be the first to get the information on new Pack Redeem Codes as they come!
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