Pocket Trains – Top 10 Cheats and Tricks, Part 2

Welcome to the top five tips and cheats for Pocket Trains! Click here to go back to tips six through ten.

5) Upgrade your Stockyards for the ability to drop off even more train cars.
You can drop off up to five cars at a stockyard at any given time, but if you upgrade, you will be able to drop off up to ten train cars. This is a huge help when you get loaded up with Bux and crate deliveries, or event deliveries, that you need to deliver between multiple trains.

4) Always complete the daily event before the time runs out.
Once the time runs out on the daily event, you won’t be able to do anything further with it. If you drop off all of the required train cars for the daily event (usually, this equates out to 75 train cars delivered), you will be earn a large bonus consisting of coins, crates and Bux.

3) Trade train parts with other people to complete more trains.
You can get crates from gaining levels, completing events and doing crate deliveries. If you can’t get the required number of parts for the tank you want, post up your game ID somewhere (it’s in the options menu), make offers to trade parts or something else in exchange for the part you are looking for. Use the “gift” button to send other people train parts.

2) Want to trade bux for coins? Watch for the exchange rates to go up before you do.
The exchange rates will change day after day. One day, one Bux can be worth 184 coins, and the next, it can be worth 224 coins, and so on and so forth. Wait for the exchange rate to increase to as high of a level as possible before you trade your Bux for them, unless you need the coins on an immediate basis.

1) Complete all deliveries immediately with the time lapse cheat.
The same trick that works on the fuel (setting the time ahead on your phone) works for simply completing your deliveries. Set the time ahead and then go back to the game, and your deliveries will all be completed. Start new deliveries and do the same thing. You can do this as many times as you want to.