Secret Passages: Hidden Objects Tips and Tricks Guide, Part 2 – More Hints, Cheats and Strategies

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Since it normally takes awhile to earn enough keys to open a gate, you’ll find yourself stuck on a certain set of stages for a while. When you are, typically your trades will mainly consist of relics from the last 2 stages that you play. Play the last 2 stages over and over again so that you can earn more of the two relics from these stages (and so that you can earn more shovels, natch).

Unlocking the Mystic Bridge so that you can go to Valhalla is fairly expensive, since it costs 360 Rubies. Concentrate on completing the quests, normally by unlocking other stages as quickly as possible, so that you can earn the rubies from the quest, as this will be your main method of earning rubies for free. Save up those, and repair all of the dig sites so that you can earn rubies from those as well (and just earn rubies from digging in general), and you’ll be able to unlock Valhalla without having to spend any real life money.

Making every trade that you get before the time runs out, especially with the items denoted in the first paragraph, will ensure that you will have a massive cache of coins with nothing to spend them on until you unlock the ability to unlock more relics. As soon as you unlock more relics, they will start showing up as wanted barter in the trade area. That’s more items to potentially have to collect, though, so you will end up with less trades, even though the ones you do end up with will be worth more money due to the new relics.

During the searches, don’t tap around randomly. You will get a 5,000 point accuracy bonus if you have a 100 percent tap accuracy, so even if you have to use the camera, magnifying glass or the flashlight, you will still earn more points and it will still be more worth it. In addition, the quicker that you finish a stage, the better score you will end up with, due to the time bonuses that you earn from how much time you have left on a stage.