Tape it Up! is an odd new endless game for the iOS app store by Devsisters. The goal in this game is to tape box after box in the style of an endless runner for as long as you can, jumping back and forth between boxes and racking up point combinations of entire boxes taped. You can earn coins for new types of dispensers and compare your high scores to other players via Game Center. Read on for some tips and tricks for Tape it Up!
When you jump onto a box, you will see two yellow streaks appear on either side of the box. This represents the progress that you’re making on taping that one specific box. If you manage to get the tape all the way around it, from back to front, you’ll earn a Perfect. If you start a Perfect streak, you’ll earn one more point for each Perfect that you score. Get as many of them as possible in order to rapidly race toward a high score.
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Any time that you see an empty box, move over to it and jump into it. A roulette will start, and you will be rewarded with some kind of bonus. For example, you may earn bonus coins, or earn an extra life or some other kind of bonus. The higher that your levels get, the more varieties of bonus boxes you’ll come across. Once you hit level 10, you’ll encounter hot tubs, which will surge you ahead for about 150 points in exchange for 100 coins.
Each time that you tap the screen during a game, your tape will surge ahead and you will earn one point. Tap rapidly whenever you are on a long string of boxes so that you can score loads of bonus points. At the end of a box, if you tap and then swipe rapidly to the side, you can actually jump off of mid-air to the box next to you if you time it right.
Each coin that you earn goes toward unlocking a new character. If you earn 1,000 coins, you’ll be able to spin for a new one. The gameplay doesn’t change, but the appearance of the game changes depending on who you choose to use. Usually it’s just the background that will change; however, in some instances, such as with the T-I-U Arcade Machine, the entire screen’s graphics will change.
You can earn frequent free coins outside of the levels by taking the video offers any time that you see them. In addition, free gifts will come on a time basis that allow you to get coins for free, even without an internet connection. Change the cool down time to earn these gifts immediately by setting the time ahead on your phone or tablet.