Age of Pirates: Battleship on the iOS platform, also known as Age of Pirates: Ocean Empire on the Android platform, is a new MMORTS set on an island location resembling the Caribbean with the pirate theme. You can build up your navy, select resources, and power up your pirate base to be the most powerful on your server.
One way to earn free rewards in this game is to use activation codes, which are given out by the developer so that you can exchange them in order to redeem prizes. These codes, or CDkeys, are often given out for promotional purposes, or as a reward for loyal players of the game.
Read on for a list of activation codes, how to find more of them, and how to use them in Age of Pirates: Battleship, otherwise known as Age of Pirates: Ocean Empire!
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To redeem your activation codes, first, do you need to get most of the way through the tutorial, but not all the way. At some point midway through it, it will be able to start tapping wherever you want.
Once that point hits, tap on your avatar in the top left corner of the screen. In the next menu, in the settings, you will find the activation code area. Type in your code, or copy and paste it, and then redeem it.
If you want to find more codes for this game, a good starting point is on the official Facebook page for the game. Go there, scroll up and down the post feed and the picture feed, and you’re bound to find codes, organized from newest to oldest.
Don’t just stick to Facebook, though; check all of the social media feeds that are run by the developer. You can look either under the name of the game or the name of the developer, and you’re bound to find them; check Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and others.
If you downloaded this game on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, then go to the review page on whatever App Store that you downloaded this game on, go to the reviews, and look for any reviews that contain codes. If you have a code that you don’t see posted in any of the reviews, then be sure to post it yourself and set the precedent.
Video sharing and streaming sites are also great sources for codes. Twitch streamers and YouTube content creators often get codes directly from the developer or so before they even get posted on social media, so that they can promote their channels, and the developers can promote the game. Take advantage of these collaborations and look for codes in videos.
Find the Subreddit for this game and go to it, look for posts that contain codes, and use whatever codes you can find. This is where players are most likely to post about the game first, so this will be one of your Best sources for codes. As always, if you have codes that you don’t see shared here, then be sure to share them so that other players can use them.
As of right now, no universal activation codes have been publicly released for this game yet. However, be sure to keep checking back to this article, because as we find them, we will post them.
Tuesday 12th of April 2022
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