Billionaire Capitalist Tycoon: Easy ways to get a ton of money and free crystals, page 1

Billionaire Capitalist Tycoon is a psuedo city-building game with graphics and a mechanic that pay homage to the old Make It Rain games that were wildly popular back in May or so on the iPhone and iPad. Your goal in this game is to make money and make money. That’s it. Aside from money though, you also have premium currency in the form of crystals. Read on for some tips on how to get fast easy money and free crystals!

It’s fairly obvious, of course, that you have to build more buildings in order to get more money, and to collect from them as often as possible in order to prevent them from maxing out before you get the chance to collect. When you begin construction on a building, get it into use faster by tapping on the building in progress over and over until it’s complete or spending crystals to finish instantly.

Upgrade any of your buildings and you will increase their hourly output and the maximum amount of money that they can hold before they stop earning money for you. The building’s threat level will also increase, though, and you don’t want your threat level to get too high.

The reason you want the threat level to stay low is so that you can avoid getting convicted. When you get convicted you either have to wait awhile to get out of jail, or you can spend cash or crystals to get out early. Better to stay away from conviction and maximize your income, while minimizing expenditures.

Making money overnight is the way to do it, so look for the buildings with the highest maximum cash first. These usually have a low threat level too (bonus!). The baby center, for example, is one of these, as is the laundry center.

To get free crystals, you can log onto Facebook, and you will get 20 free crystals. Certain achievements will earn you free crystals as well, such as when you pass someone on the top net worth list. Share on Facebook or Twitter whenever you complete one of these achievements for even more bonus crystals.

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