Deep Loot – Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

Deep Loot is a new diving game for the iOS platform in which your goal is to dive as far as possible in order to find buried treasure. Along the way you can buy new boats, new suits, new harpoons and all manner of upgrades to help you go down as far as possible and find the rarest of rare treasures. Read on for some tips and tricks for Deep Loot!

One of your goals is to go as deep as possible, and every single move that you make will take away some of your air. In general if you are going for depth it’s best to avoid the blocks with brown rocks inside them unless you have an upgraded jackhammer, as they take a long time and quite a bit of air to get through. Usually, too, they will have absolutely no treasure inside.

However, look for the ones with the gold speckles as they have treasure inside. Tap on clams to get pearls (and not even have to waste any air). Tap on treasure chests to get rare goods out of them. Most treasure chests require keys to open, though. You can even dig fossils out of blank squares fairly frequently. All of these, of course, will reward you with coins.

Pause at any point in time to see the current quests that you can complete within a stage. Quests typically earn you experience points, and when you gain an experience level, you get a huge coin bonus to go with it.

The most important upgrade (arguably) is to your air tank so that you can go deeper and/or farther, enabling you to, of course, find more treasure on one swim, or take out more fish. Look through suits as well to find suitable upgrades – usually a suit will boost two of your stats (attack, defense, and air being the three stats) while dropping one of them.

Look through your collections of loot, because you can get big rewards for completing an entire collection. Generally the best stuff is inside the gold-accented chests (the ones that require the keys) though the silver accented chests have a nice variety of stuff too.