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Guide to City Story Metro: Halloween (iOS) Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and strategies

City Story Metro: Halloween is a new app from TeamLava, the makers of the original City Story and City Story Metro, but just as they did back when they Olympics kicked off, TeamLava is releasing commemorative special editions of many of its apps for the season. This game plays like the normal City Story Metro, even importing your saved game from the original to the new one (if you play the original), but even if you don’t play it, it is still worth a turn.

While it can be tough to find people on your island to add as neighbors (since you have to bug people for their Storm8 ID normally), there are a few ways to make it much easier on yourself to add neighbors. One of them is to go to the Social Tab, go to Community, and then go to people’s city names. Look for a name that doesn’t look like a city, but looks like an online username instead.

Go copy that name into the “invite” section and often the name will actually be a storm8 ID. A bad example would be “Singapore” but a good example would be a city named “ksmith84” Add city names like the second one as invites. Another one is to put your own Storm8 ID into your city ID, as in “(storm8) is my id” or “ADD: (storm8)”. Then go to the community tab and start visiting other people, helping out in their cities and trying to increase your social rating to at least 2. The higher you increase it to, the more you appear on other people’s community pages, and the closer to the top.

If you run out of space on your map but you don’t have enough coins left for expansions, or any permits yet (although the above friend trick can get you a ton of free permits just by asking your new friends), then simply get rid of all of the roads that you don’t need. Only one square of road needs to be next to a building in order to make it useful, so surround one square of road with four buildings as much as is practical.

Save up your coins for new community buildings, and then build them to increase the amount of maximum population that you can have (and the amount of coins you can earn), but don’t build any of the ones that have the little “hammer” icon by their pictures in the shop, unless you already have multiple friends who you have already invited or who have invited you. The hammer means extra parts are required to finish that building, which requires you to ask friends for them or to spend Gems on them.

Click here to continue on to part 2 of the City Story Metro: Halloween Edition tips and tricks guide!