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Guide to Monster Life for iPhone: Tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies

Monster Life is a brand new 3D Monster RPG and city building/zoo game hybrid for the iPhone and the iPod Touch. This one plays similarly to its 2D counterparts, but with much more impressive visuals, cute monsters, and challenges to face going into battle against other monsters. Your goal is to feed, play with and train your monsters, which are referred to as Tamanos in Monster Life, get more and more of them, and make your way through the world map, from level to level, winning every battle that you can. Read on for tips and tricks for Monster Life!

One cheat to get you leveled up faster, fight more often, collect the free prize from the boat more often and whatnot, is one of the simplest ones. You have to wait around a lot in this game, but whatever task you don’t want to wait for anymore, take note of how long the wait period is (for example, if you have to wait an hour to feed/play with your Tamano again). Go to the iPhone date and time settings and set the time ahead by however much time you want to cut off (an hour, if you’re going by the previous example). Then go back to the game and you can do that task right away.

In order to complete the first diggster quest, which requires you to pet your diggster until he gives you gold coins, you need to complete the quest while he is still a baby. Diggster stops giving gold coins when you pet him after it grows up. If you don’t, you need to spend crystals in order to pass that part of the quest.

To get more coins when you run out, with relative ease and without having to spend hearts, go back and play old battles that your monsters played at earlier experience levels. Make sure to make favorable match ups that work in the favor of your monster – for example, match fire against plant, plant against water and water against fire.