LGBT Flags Merge is a new casual game for the iOS and Android platforms where you merge two flags together to create and discover a new flag. You can discover and learn about the entire spectrum of gender identities and sexualities across the entire LGBTQIA+ spectrum, even including identities unique to specific cultures, such as Hindu or Native American culture.
The flags contained within this game cover the entire spectrum, ranging from gender identity, sexual preference, or romantic preference, as well as some combination of multiples of the above. It is possible to deduce your way to finding all of the flags, but some of them are very hard to figure out, especially with identities that you may not be aware of the existence of, especially the cultural ones.
Even if you are in the LGBTQIA+ space yourself, and even if you are not, the flags contained within this game can be very interesting and educational. Each new identity that you discover comes with its very own description to tell you what the meaning of the word is.
Read on for a list of every single flag and what to merge in order to find them in LGBT Flags Merge! Plus as a bonus, we will go over developer codes, how to get free hints, playing this game on a PC, and more!
Developer Codes, Free Hints, PC Download, and Other Tips and Cheats
There are a number of random things that players discover and wonder about in this game. What is a developer code, and how do you get to the developer code screen? How do you play the game on the PC? How do you get free hints without having to watch ads?
Developer codes are one of the strangest mysteries that players have discovered in this game. Chances are that if you play LGBT Flags Merge, then you have probably accidentally stumbled upon it at some point. There is an exact spot on the screen that can take you there on purpose.
To get to the developer code menu, first, click on the heart to go to the list of every single one of the flags that you have already found. Next, tap on the capital C in the word “Clear“ on The bottom left button.
If you press the button in the right area, a small pop-up window will appear, prompting you to enter a developer code. If you have a developer code, then you can enter it and see if the game will accept it.
The strange thing is, though, that if you enter an incorrect code, then the game will not tell you anything. The pop-up window will simply disappear, so you will have no idea if you entered a right code or a wrong code.
So what are the developer codes? As of right now, nobody has definitively discovered any of them, or what any of the codes are supposed to do. We are going to continuously check sources, though, so be sure to keep checking back with this article; we will build a list of developer codes as they are discovered, as well as what they do.
To play the game on a PC, the solution is simple. All that you have to do is download an Android emulator for your PC or Mac, whichever one you use, and then download an APK in order to install the game.
Another method is to download an iOS emulator; if you use a Mac, you can even use an iOS software development kit, which is provided by Apple itself, to play the game on your Mac. This is not available for PC, but several unofficial emulators are.
Once you do that, download the game as if you were using an iPhone or iPad, and play it to your hearts content.
There is one known way to get free hints without having to watch advertisement. That method is simply to wait. You will get three free hints per day, which you can then use.
Three hints is the maximum amount of hints that you can carry at a time, so if you have three, then be sure to use them. Of course, there is a possibility that if you have the right developer code, you could give yourself free hints or more than three at a time.
All 171 Flag Combinations and Solutions
Man + Man = Gay
Woman + Woman = Lesbian
Man + Woman = Bisexual
Man + Gay = Androsexual
Woman + Gay = Twink
Lesbian + Man = Butch
Lesbian + Woman = Fingender
Fingender + Woman = Fimaric
Bisexual + Bisexual = Multisexual
Multisexual + Multisexual = Non-binary
Noninsexual + Noninsexual = Ceterosexual
Femaric + Femaric = Gynesexual
Femaric + Gynesexual = Nofinsexual
Non-binary + non-binary = ningender
Gay + Mingender = Achillean
Achillean + Achillean = Nominsexual
Nominsexual + Nominsexual = Asexual
Asexual + Asexual = Xenogender
Xenogender + Xenogender = Aesthetigender
Aesthetigender + Aesthetigender = Genderfluff
Asexual + Non-binary = Anonbinary
Man + Achillean = Bear
Achillean + Nominsexual = Mascic
Mascic + Nominsexual = Polyamorous
Polyamorous + Achillean = Pangender
Achillean + Mingender = Bigender
Bigender + Pangender = Trigender
Asexual + Multisexual = Nonconforming
Nonconforming + Nonbinary = Uingender
Pangender + Mingender = omnisexual
Polyamorous + Bigender = Polysexual
Anonbinary + Asexual = Agender
Agender + Agender = Neutrois
Neutrois + Neutrois = Apagender
Neutrois + Agender = Greygender
Greygender + Greygender = Cassgender
Cassgender + Greygender = Apogender
Neutrois + Greygender = Libragender
Libragender + woman = Librafemme
Libragender + man = Libramasculine
Agender + Woman = Transfem
Agender + Man = Transmasc
Transfem + Transmasc = Demigender
Demigender + Demigender = Demifluid
Demigender + Multisexual = Transgender
Demigender + Man = Demiboy
Demigender + Woman = Demigirl
Demiboy + Demigirl = Paragender
Nonconforming + Demigender = Genderfluid
Genderfluid + Genderfluid = Genderflux
Genderfluid + Genderflux = Genderfae
Genderfae + Genderflux = Genderfaun
Genderfaun + Genderfae = Alexigender
Alexigender + Genderflux = Abrosexual
Genderfluid + Anonbinary = Aromantic
Aromantic + Demigender = Demiromantic
Demiromantic + Demiromantic = Lithromantic
Demiromantic + Asexual = Demisexual
Demisexual + Demisexual = Graysexual
Demisexual + Graysexual = Grayromantic
Grayromantic + Graysexual = Aroace
Aroace + Aroace = Orientedaroace
Genderfluid + Multisexual = Queer
Demisexual + Aroace = Pomosexual
Pomosexual + Pomosexual = Reciprosexual
Pomosexual + Asexual = Freysexual
Lithromantic + Demiromantic = cupioromantic
Non-binary + Genderfluid = Androgyne
Androgyne + Androgyne = Mogai
Androgyne + Mogai = Diamoric
Diamoric + Diamoric = Trixic
Trixic + Trixic = Toric
Trixic + Toric = Enbian
Androgyne + Non-binary = Intersex
Mogai + Diamoric = Mavierique
Mavierique + Diamoric = Twospirit
Twospirit + Twospirit = Hijra
Genderflux + Genderfaun = Genderflor
Cassgender + Neutrois = Agingender
Xenogender + Aesthetigender = Noungender
Aesthetigender + Noungender = Neurogender
Neurogender + Xenogender = Pocketgender
Agender + Genderfluid = Questioning
Questioning + Questioning = Quoisexual
Quoisexual + Questioning = Quoiromantic
Questioning + Man = Heterosexual
Anonbinary + Questioning = Microlabel
Microlabel + Microlabel = Aegoromantic
Reciprosexual + Aroace = Aceflux
Aceflux + Demisexual = Acespike
Freysexual + Pomosexual = Fictosexual
Freysexual + Reciprosexual = Inactsexual
Aromantic + Cupioromantic = Aroallo
Aroallo + Aroallo = Arospike
Arospike + Cupioromantic = Frayromantic
Non-binary + Xenogender = Galactian
Galactian + Galactian = Neptunic
Neptunic + Galactian = Saturnic
Saturnic + Galactian = Terraric
Saturnic + Saturnic = Uranic
Uranic + Uranic = Venusic
Uranic + Venusic = Solaric
Solaric + Solaric = Solarian
Solaric + Solarian = Helian
Solarian + Helian = Stellarian
Stellarian + Solarian = Novarian
Uranic + Galactian = Aurorian
Aurorian + Galactian = Lunarian
Lunarian + Solarian = Eclipsian
Stellarian + Lunarian = Nebularian
Lunarian + Novarian = Selenian
Galactian + Selenian = Artemian
Novarian + Nebularian = Penumbrian
Penumbrian + Stellarian = Phoenixian
Venusic + Man = Marsic
Lunarian + Lunarian = Lunaric
Lunaric + Lunarian = Phoebian
Aurorian + Phoebian = Singularian
Singularian + Helian = Spacialian
Singularian + Spacialian = Universian
Spacialian + Solarian = Annulian
Annulian + Eclipsan = Galaxian
Spacialian + Lunarian = Meteorian
Spacialian + Stellarian = Siderealian
Demigender + Penumbrian = Duenixian
Demigender + Meteorian = Umbrian
Demigender + Spacialian = Atmosian
Demigender + Galaxian = Constellian
Demigender + Stellarian = Celestian
Demigender + Annulian = Daenixian
Demigender + Solarian = Dawnian
Demigender + Lunarian = Duskian
Demigender + Novarian = Solstian
Demigender + Nebularian = Equinoxian
Demigender + Phoenixian = Hafian
Heterosexual + Heterosexual = heteroromantic
Bisexual + Demiromantic = Homoromantic
Bigender + Bigender = Biromantic
Polysexual + Polysexual = Polyromantic
Homoromantic + Bisexual = Homoromantic Bisexual
heteroromantic + bisexual = heteroromantic bisexual
Asexual + heteroromantic = asexual heteroromantic
Asexual + homoromantic = asexual homoromantic
Heterosexual + biromantic = heterosexual biromantic
Pangender + Pangender = panromantic
Gay + heteroromantic = homosexual heteroromantic
Lesbian + Biromantic = Biromantic Homosexual
heterosexual + homoromantic = heterosexual homoromantic
Biromantic + asexual = Biromantic asexual
Bisexual + Panromantic = Bisexual panromantic
Omnisexual + Omnisexual = Omniromantic
Pansexual + Multisexual = Multiromantic
Graysexual + diamoric = monoromantic
Multiromantic + Monoromantic = Aroaceflux
Aroace + Aroaceflux = Superflux
Superflux + Aroaceflux = Omniflux
Omniflux + Aroaceflux = Envyflux
Envyflux + Envyflux = Autoflux
Autoflux + Autoflux = Mutoflux
Multiromantic + Multiromantic = Duoroflux
Duoroflux + Mutoflux = Idemflux
Superflux + Idemflux = Asemflux
Asemflux + Aroaceflux = Fluidflux
This is a list of every single one of the flags so far, but we are constantly monitoring the App Store to see when the game gets updated with new flags, and when it does, we will search and find them!
Additionally, if we happen to have missed any of the flags contained within the game, then be sure to post the one that we’ve missed, along with the method of getting it, in the comment section.
Hee her
Thursday 25th of July 2024
I got most, but what are these flags lol💀 this just gets more confusing. But I’m bi btw
Hee hee
Thursday 25th of July 2024
@Hee hee
Sunday 18th of June 2023
Btw, some are now outdated and wint work for me Please update some to match to the current game
Thanks (I mean no offense)
Sunday 18th of June 2023
@RandomGayPerson12345, wont* sorry
Wednesday 26th of April 2023
How do you make Aroflux and Aceflux?
Wednesday 7th of June 2023
@222, lithromantic + Aroallo
Sunday 25th of December 2022
I tried some of the combinations and they don’t work so I am unable to unlock all of them to read the info and get the names. Is this a glitch or are the combos wrong?
Thursday 15th of December 2022
Hello. I am the commenter pls help me through situations some of the combinations arent right. Like Aroallo + Aroallo = Arospike Is Wrong Aroflux + Aroflux= Arospike. Thank you!