Merge Neverland: Tips, Cheats, Walkthrough, and Strategy Guide

Merge Neverland is a new puzzle game for the iOS and Android platforms. Your goal is to merge various items into higher level versions of the same items, unlock new areas of the island, clear out the fog, complete tasks, and more. You can discover new fairies, hatch new eggs, complete daily quests, and complete merging puzzles by level.

You can discover completely new islands and fill out the entire continent, as well as discover different elements and merge them into even higher grade versions of the same element. There is a nearly unlimited amount of ways to play this game. You can even merge fairies in order to turn them into more powerful fairies.

Read on for a collection of tips and cheats for Merge Neverland!

The premise of this game is fairly simple at its surface, and that is to merge three or more identical elements at a time in order to make a higher grade version of the same element. Whether it’s flowers, orbs, or fairies, or just about anything else on the board, you can merge it. Try to merge more than three of the same identical item at a time, because you will receive even more of the next highest element; five identical elements will give you two, and seven identical elements will give you three.

When you have fairies, be sure to let them do their jobs and if you are going to be AFK, leave the game open so that the fairies can collect orbs. When you come back, your map will be filled with orbs, so you can start merging them together in order to make even more advanced orbs. Or advanced orbs do a far better job at clearing and unlocking new things than the low level orbs do.

Each of the orbs that you pick up cleans up something on the map, and the more advanced orbs are worth more, allowing them to clean up more things. Upgrade your orbs as high as absolutely possible in order to clean up everything that you possibly can. This can sometimes require a lot of merging in a lot of feeling like you’re not doing anything, but it ends up being the fastest way to clean up your territory.

Be sure to have your fairies investigate the brambles and any other icon that they are able to, as well. There are a limited number of times that they can investigate these objects, and typically, you will find bonuses such as flowers, which can then be merged together to make more orbs or better orbs.

You get a ton of rewards throughout this game, so be sure to collect every single one of them. Look for any icon that has a little orange exclamation mark next to it if you want to find all available free rewards. Your mail is one of the best sources for free rewards, so be sure to check your mailbox daily to see if you have new mail with rewards.

Be sure to go to your collection area and collect every reward for all of the new merges that you have unlocked. Each merge level earns you one free gem, and since these are the premium currency of the game, this is an excellent way to collect rewards.

The entire game can be played without purchasing the bonus islands, but purchasing these will make it much easier and faster to merge everything that you need to and clean up the entire island, as well as unlock every fairy.

Additionally, you need coins in order to get more fairy eggs so that you can get more fairies, but you can only hold a limited number of coins. As soon as the extra coin bonuses unlock, be sure to purchase them and merge them together so that you can increase the amount of coins that you can hold at the same time.

User-submitted tips and cheats