Wind-up Knight 2 is the sequel to the original smash hit by Robot Invader. This auto-running platformer puts you in control of a robotic knight with a wind-up key on its back as you try to make it through levels, complete quests, defeat enemies and earn all of the coins that you can. Read on for some tips and tricks for Wind-up Knight 2!
-Your first time through a stage, your only quest will be to finish it. After that, you’ll have three side-quests per stage. Complete the quests to earn bonus coins.
-You can also earn bonus coins by completing a level without any checkpoint restarts. Even if you don’t meet any side qualifications, though, you can still earn coins just by beating old levels over and over.
-Keep your shield up at almost all times until you can sense when obstacles are coming overhead. You can still jump as much as you need to with the shield.
-Complete one quest at a time, rather than trying to finish them all at once. On many stages it’s literally impossible to beat all three side quests at once.
-Play in the tournament stage and with certain score milestones, you will earn new equipment for free.
-Before you do, though, get as much playing experience as you can in the standard stages, because each tournament stage that you play will use up one ticket. When you run out of tickets you have to buy more using coins.
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-Save up your coins and look through the equipment store to figure out what to buy. Don’t buy anything that doesn’t have a noted performance boost over your standard equipment. Save up for things which have an actual effect.
-Earn free coins by going to the coins store and checking out the “offers”. A video will play, and when the video ends, you’ll earn free coins.
-You can also earn free coins in the same menu by liking the game on Facebook, following on Twitter or giving it a +1 in Google+.
-Need more crests to open up a locked gate? Start doing the side quests on the easiest stages first, then move up to the harder stages as you complete the quests.