Guide to Traffic Tour – Race-Winning Tips, Tricks, Cheats, and Strategies

Traffic Tour is a new game for the iOS and Android platforms where you race forward through traffic, collect cards and complete missions, and unlock all kinds of new cars that are based off of real-life cars. There are countless missions to complete as well as races against the computer, against other players, and endless modes where you can test yourself to see how far you can go without crashing. Read on for some tips and tricks for Traffic Tour!

You’ll earn plenty of cash as you go, but at some point you’ll come to a stretch of the game where you have to spend money on a new car, because you will be out of upgrades, but you won’t be able to beat the latest level. To grind for cash, avoid replaying old mission levels (as these pay out very little), instead going to the endless mode. Go for as long as possible and collect as many cash drops as possible to quickly save up enough for a better car.

To get new cars without having to spend any cash for them, you have to get all of the blueprints for the car. To win the blueprints, go to the endless mode and play, and go for as long as you can. Blueprints don’t pop up very often at all, but there’s a chance as long as you have unlocked the car in the store. The farther that you get in the endless mode, the better your chances of unlocking it.

When you have to collect cards, keep an eye on how many you have left to collect. You are disincentivised from collecting more than you have to because for every card that you collect over the requirement, you lose 10 seconds of time. So if you’re done collecting yellow cards, for example, and you see another one pop up on the freeway, avoid it or your time will drain by 10 seconds instantly.

If you run into the back of a vehicle at high speed, you will either die and end your run, or you will respawn in about five seconds, ending up way behind time. So hit your brakes. Even if you don’t manage to avoid hitting the car ahead of you, a soft tap will cause it to flash its lights. Soft-tap the car again and it will flash and then disappear, allowing you to go through it. Soft-tapping can sometimes get you ahead faster than waiting and passing.

The daily event can often be the most difficult part of the game to complete. However, it can also be the one with the biggest rewards. When you play this, don’t count on using the same car that you have gotten used to; often, you are going to end up using a completely different car, usually the same car as your opponent will use. So the victory will really come down to the details, such as who can use the nitrous most effectively.