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Survivor!.io – Full Guide to Astral Forge

Survivor!.io is a wildly popular bullet hell roguelike for the iOS and Android platforms that features increasingly difficult battles, all manner of equipment, and loads of skills. The Astral Forge is an entirely new method of upgrading your equipment that can earn you even more boosts if you already have mythic equipment, which is red equipment. You can use the Astral Forge to upgrade your S-tier equipment in all sorts of new and special ways.

Read on for a full guide to the Astral Forge, how to unlock it, how to use it, and how to get the most benefit from it in Survivor!.io!

In order to even find this new game mode, you will need to have at least one piece of red equipment. If you don’t have any red equipment yet, then you can look for this mode all that you want and you won’t find it, but if you do you have a piece of red equipment, then you will see it appear.

In order to find the Astral Forge, first, go to one of your pieces of equipment and tap it, and you will see a new button that says “Astral Forge“. Tap this button and you will be able to salvage this equipment. Another way to find it is to go to your equipment and hit the “merge” button, and at the bottom right corner of the screen, you will see an option that says “Astral Forge”.

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Even though you need a piece of red equipment in order to unlock the Astral Forge area, you can salvage any type of equipment that you want. Salvaging S-tier equipment will give you Eternal Cores, Void Cores, or Chaos Cores, depending on what type of equipment, as well as Base Tech Materials. Salvaging any non-S gear will provide Base Tech Materials only.

Before you salvage this equipment, make sure that it is a piece of equipment that you are comfortable getting rid of and that you won’t miss. S equipment can be really hard to come by unless you spend a lot of money on the game, and you want to feel comfortable giving it up before you salvage it. If you have many different S types of equipment that all fit in the same item slot and thus don’t need most of it anymore, then salvage away.

Of course, as one would assume, the more rare that the materials are that you salvage, the more resources that you will earn when you do salvage them. Even equipment of a lower rarity can be pretty valuable to salvage, though, because you can salvage massive amounts of it at a time.

Using all of these materials that you collected before, you can then forge your gear. If you forge any normal non-S gear, then you will get percentage of boost that increase either your attack power or your hit points, depending on the category of equipment. This will only cost you Base Tech Materials.

If you forge any piece of S-tier equipment, you’re going to need Base Tech Materials as well as the right type of cores, but in addition to the statistical boosts, there will be a brand new special effects that will significantly increase your ability to win tough stages.

You are also going to need an equal piece of equipment of a lower grade in order to forge something. For example, if you want to forge a red legendary kunai, you’re going to need a purple kunai in order to forge it with. You can also only forge each piece of equipment once; you can’t forge equipment over and over.